Custom Website Design

I specialize in working with Small Businesses and Non-Profit Organizations to create custom, user-centered, Website designs that are intuitive to use, and work in any device.

I understand that knowing you need a Website is very different from knowing what steps to take. I can guide you through the process.

I explain the process in plain English, so you can make educated choices, and help you achieve your goals, within your budget.

Can people find your site? If not, the rest doesn't matter. A poorly designed Website lowers your ranking in search engines.

Your users arrive with a set of expectations based on other Websites. The more you meet them, the easier your Website is to use. Does your content, navigation, page design, coding, and download speed welcome everyone, or do you turn some users away?

A user friendly Website is one that is written and designed for the end user, it meets their expectations and answers their questions.

If the user can easily accomplish their goals, your goals for your Website will more likely be met.

The #1 reason users visit Websites is to find information. If you successfully provide that information, they will be more likely come back.

Users often visit a site more than once before taking an action (such as making a purchase).

If you regularly add or update the information on your site, you increase your site's value to the user.

Website Updates & Maintenance

Many sites fail because the content is static and out-of-date. Your content is one of the most critical parts of your Website. Regular updates encourage users to return to your site and help you achieve higher rankings in the search engines.

Whether you need your first Website, or someone to makeover or redesign your current site, each Website is custom designed for your specific needs and budget.

My services are customized to meet your specific goals and fit your budget.